水曜日 Wednesdays' Wanderings

美しく最後を饰りつける暇があるなら、最後まで美しく生きようじゃねぇか ?

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You know you’re too obsessed with Touhou when…

You look at your data output for your Econometrics assignment and is asked what does it suggest to you, your first thought is “hmm, looks like Easy Mode to me, there probably isn’t a need to Bomb”.

Anyway, a Touhou post to revive the blog with. Yes, the contents of this post is old news by now, but still it’s Touhou, so what the heck.

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“of Rising sense of Individualism and state of Hivemind being blurred”

Firefox introduced a new feature to the latest release of its 3.6, a ‘Persona’. Basically, it allows users to not only choose what image they want to have on their browser, but also get to create and submit their own designs for browsers.

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Of The Random Wanderings On Touhou

Another Digression Post…
Yet another post quite unrelated to anime…well then again, I’m only following a few series currently namely, Bakemonogatari, Spice & Wolf II. Anyway, I’ve been playing Touhoumon while listen to some of the C76 Touhou Albums. While still “patiently” waiting for GSC’s Saber Lily Avalon figurine which has conveniently been delayed again it seems.

They even redesigned the character avater

They even redesigned the character avatar - cool.


According to Touhoumon ~Gensokyo~: Long time ago, Patchouli Knowledge grew tired of Marisa Kirisame coming and stealing her books. Therefore, she made some puppets with decent intelligence and power to keep the library safe. (She doesn’t believe in Hong Meiling at all) Unfortunately, one of the manuals has been stolen by Marisa and the thief herself made a lot of puppet for pilfering. When they came, Patchouli impatiently blew both armies of puppet and a part of the library away, included the remaining manuals. After the incident, puppets have been producing with a large amount and people got used to them. Time passes and they are now served like pets to everyone.

If your reaction to the above story is “What’s with that ridiculous storyline!?” , then obviously you’ve never played the actual Touhou Project. Or being part of the Touhou fandom.

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“that typing game”

New songs have been added to that typing game (for lack of a proper name for the game), including none other than Don’t Say Lazy and Falling Down. Unsurprisingly, the K-ON ED’s at the Nightmare Mode. And, unsurprisingly, I epic failed at it – though I did well for the English songs. 😀


click on image to play game